Another Opportunity to Secure the Future for Historic Tarpan Horses

Mill Spring, NC – Building on the Clinic hosted earlier this year, eight more rare horses resembling the extinct Tarpan will receive a second shot at life. In partnership with Anna Twinney, founder of The Way of the Equine Warrior and Reach Out to Horses® (ROTH), Mustangs To The Rescue (MTTR) will host a Wild Horse Gentling clinic August 20 - 25, 2024 in Bend, OR, where eight stallions will learn the foundational skills to allow them to live successfully with humans.  Anna Twinney, a veteran in the wild horse industry, is best known for her gentling methodologies taking untouched horses through transformational steps.  Her personalized program affords both horse and human the chance to realize their full potential as true partners. Always in pursuit of capturing the horse’s whisper, Twinney focuses on translating wild horse communication through understanding their minds and minor movements.

“We recently brought these horses to safety, and now our goal is to get them into safe long-term homes,” Kate Beardsley, MTTR Executive Director, said. “For the horses, this clinic will help gentle them into becoming far more handle-able through Twinney’s trust-based, non-dominant ROTH methodologies. For the people, the clinic creates more skilled horse owners and trainers.”

The clinic will also be an opportunity for Central Oregon community members who are interested in the Tarpan horses to begin the adoption or foster care journey.

Twenty-nine small horses were removed from a location that no longer served them one year ago. Some were in acceptable condition; some were near death. With collaborative efforts between rescue organizations, committed individuals, and a variety of willing foster homes, this group has benefitted from a year of improved care and much rehabilitation. Now numbering 33 with new foals, they are ready to shift out of holding and into ideal long-term homes to ensure their safe and secure future. 16 of these horses – mares, foals, and youngsters – benefitted from the Wild Horse Gentling Clinic with Twinney in February 2024. Now it’s time for the eight stallions to have the same experience.

“The Way of the Equine Warrior and our ‘Trainers Without Borders’ program was built for exactly this kind of rescue and training situation. Our team of qualified trainers and I are thrilled to be able to offer our support to MTTR and training to these historic horses and the humans who ultimately will serve as their guardians,” said Twinney.

MTTR is seeking capable donors and sponsors to ensure the success of this life-enhancing clinic. Funds will be used to cover the costs of the clinic, cover the veterinary care of the Tarpans to set them up well in their futures, and subsidize the clinic fees for some participants who may need financial assistance. Potential donors are encouraged to contact Kate Beardsley at or 541-350-2406.

For more information about the clinic please email or call 541-330-8943.

About The Way of the Equine Warrior

The Way of the Equine Warrior™, a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, is committed to teaching the true language of the horse to foster healing and partnership for both horse and human heroes worldwide. Founded by Anna Twinney, internationally acclaimed equine trainer, clinician, and Founder of Reach Out to Horses®, the organization is a natural outgrowth of her Reach Out to Horses holistic horsemanship program. For more information about their three flagship programs Trainers Without Borders, No Horse Left Behind, and Heroes Healing Heroes visit

About Mustangs To The Rescue

Located in beautiful Central Oregon, Mustangs To The Rescue (MTTR) is a volunteer-based 501(c)(3) non-profit.  Their purpose is to have a positive impact on the community they serve by supporting horses, their owners, and potential horse owners, with assistance, resources, and educational opportunities, thus improving the lives of horses and humans in the community. MTTR provides community resources such as Technical Large Animal Emergency Rescue training, horsemanship clinics, barn and equine safety classes; assists law enforcement and first responders with calls involving large animals; provides scholarships to local horse trainers to continue education; and most importantly, is there for anyone who needs help with their animals. For more information visit .

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