The Way of the Equine Warrior invites you to be part of our mission to transform the lives of our horse and human heroes. There are many ways to get involved – simple connection, monetary donation or joining our tribe of trainers and volunteers – all are important and allow us to create healing partnerships one horse and human hero at a time.


Stay connected with us for updates on events, news, volunteer opportunities and where across the globe we are working to make a difference.


Your kind donations to The Way of the Equine Warrior allow us to fulfill our mission through our three flagship programs: Heroes Healing Heroes, Trainers Without Borders and No Horse Left Behind. Your generosity allows us to: 

  • Provide equine coaching to our first responders and the victims they have served;
  • Send our certified trainers to areas around the world where horses and their human guardians are most in need;
  • Award scholarships to individuals from other countries to learn our training methodologies at our farm in Mill Spring, NC so they may carry their knowledge back to their home country and educate others;
  • Ensure horses who have been displaced through no fault of their own receive correct handling and re-homing within our network of certified trainers and recognized organizations.  

The Way of the Equine Warrior is a 501 (c)(3) non-profit organization. All donations are tax deductible under the extent of Federal and State law.

Equine Warrior gratefully accepts donations in several ways.

Making a One-time or Recurring Donation

We appreciate your thoughtful monetary donation. If you are able to, please consider a recurring monthly donation as this allows us to budget and plan ahead.


The Way of the Equine Warrior is always looking for like-minded people who feel the call of the horse. Perhaps you’ve always sought a gentler way with horses. Or you’ve experienced things you can’t explain around them. Or you feel their energy. Or you just don’t fit into the traditional horse world. Know that you are not alone and we welcome you to join our tribe. 

Volunteer opportunities are constantly becoming available, on our farm in Mill Spring, NC.  Ready for more? Sign up for our Reach Out To Horses (ROTH) training. You’ll learn the true language of the horse and be part of the next generation of natural horsemanship practiced by The Way of the Equine Warrior.


Anna Twinney

For more information or if you have a question on how to get involved with The Way of the Equine Warrior, please feel free to contact us.

Stay updated with our latest news and events!

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