Feral horses, tribal horses, feedlot foals, Premarin mares and their young, mustangs, pony skin foals – all have been caught in the net of mankind’s ignorance.
Partnering with rescue organizations, sanctuaries, equestrian centers, private individuals and government agencies worldwide, Way of the Equine Warrior™ founder Anna Twinney and her certified trainers and students have touched thousands of horses’ lives through her horse gentling workshops, events and consultations. Each horse is given a voice and choice through her unique force-free training program, showcasing their individual personalities and preparing them for their permanent home.

Nowhere in the world is there a place where people don’t wish to understand their horse. But while the desire to understand may be there, the knowledge may not be, yielding, at best, an adherence to old training methods based on dominance or, worse, abuse based on ignorance.
Way of the Equine Warrior founder Anna Twinney stands out as a pioneer in the field of holistic horsemanship by not using the very nature of the horse against them. Having discovered that the horses’ language spans beyond what the eye can see, she and her certified trainers travel the world teaching individuals to take personal responsibility and a passive leadership role instead of using force, firmness, fear and blame.

As a former police officer, Way of the Equine Warrior founder Anna Twinney is all too familiar with the physical and psycho-emotional stress and strain affecting first responders and the victims they serve.
Anna has spent decades teaching the secret and silent language of the horse, a language which gives them the unique ability to read our thoughts and intentions and perceive any incongruence with our actions. With Anna’s coaching guidance, these equine teachers are then able to show people how to become whole in body, mind and spirit. Over the years Anna has coached thousands of national and international students, helping them to reach their full potential no matter their situation or circumstance, going beyond their perceived limitations.