It began over three decades ago when Way of the Equine Warrior™ founder, Anna Twinney, was a young police officer supporting the British RSPCA. A young stallion stood alone in a darkened stall up to his knees in manure. He was desperate for daylight, a clean enclosure, company, interactions, pasture and movement, let alone a life. But there was nothing that could be done to make the changes he needed. No law could be enforced to save him from this life of wretched confinement. He, who represents so many others, started her on this journey of justice to give a voice to the horse.
And so Anna made a promise to herself and all horses – that she would give them a voice and tirelessly shine a beacon on their plight worldwide. Feral horses, tribal horses, feedlot foals, Premarin mares and their young, mustangs, pony skin foals – all have been caught in the net of mankind’s ignorance.
While serving as head instructor for the learning center she co-developed with Crawford Hall and Monty Roberts, Anna began to make good on this promise and championed the idea of bringing rescue horses into the school. The horses got to experience connection and have a second chance at life. And the students got to make a difference in a horse’s life while learning in a real-life classroom. That brilliant idea has become Anna’s model that continues today through her Reach Out to Horses® (ROTH) holistic horsemanship training program.
Partnering with equine rescues, sanctuaries, equestrian centers, private individuals and government agencies worldwide, Anna and her certified trainers and students have touched thousands of horses’ lives through her horse gentling workshops, events and consultations. Their lives altered through no fault of their own, the horses find solace with those who speak their silent language. Each horse is given a voice and choice through her unique force-free training program, showcasing their individual personalities and preparing them for their permanent home. This very step bridges the gap for the life ahead of them, raised up to become the highest version of themselves, so they may have the best chance of success as they integrate into the world of domestication and partnership with man.

with your help
Continued handling and re-homing
We can ensure the few horses who are not adopted through Anna's programs receive the correct continued handling and re-homing within our network of certified trainers and recognized organizations. We wish to ensure these horses do not end up in "the system” of multiple homes, rescues or sales and if they are “flagged” we wish to bring them to a place of safety.
We can offer temporary or permanent placements at our approved facilities for any ROTH trained horse who finds themselves displaced for any reason.