Betsy Roddy

Betsy Roddy is a happy refugee from the technology industry, where she spent 35 years as a senior marketer for companies including Symantec, Fujitsu, Philips, ViewSonic and D-Link. During her career, Betsy had a front row seat as the dot com industry exploded on the scene. She was on the forefront as marketing transitioned from print advertising and direct mail to online and social media, embracing the targeting and tracking this transition allowed. In fact, she served as the key consultant for developing an online tracking system based on her programs. This system was later sold to DoubleClick and acquired by Google.
Betsy has had a lifelong love of horses, starting as a child riding on the Blackfoot Indian Reservation in Montana, where her great grandfather was the Postmaster and her grandfather served as Assistant Superintendent of Glacier National Park. Throughout her life horses have always been a touchpoint. Upon retirement, Betsy renewed and deepened this connection, studying with several trainers and ultimately finding Anna Twinney.
Betsy is a graduate of Anna’s Reach Out to Horses holistic horse training program and a certified Reiki practitioner for horses, also through Anna.
Betsy has a BA in English from Penn State University and a MBA from Webster University, earned while she lived overseas in Vienna, Austria.