Jill Haase

Jill Haase is the creator, owner and manager of Shoofly Farm in Sammamish, WA. Raised in the Pacific Northwest and enjoying a lifelong companionship with animals, Shoofly Farm was created in 2000 to offer children the joys and satisfaction of the natural world. Their mission is to offer balance in our technology-driven, speed-based society. With forty plus years of experience and observation in educational and recreational endeavors, she became curious how the natural world and animals could mediate, heal and bolster one’s mental health and function, particularly in children. This led to a master’s degree in psychology and work in the mental health field.
In 2014, Jill was introduced to Reach out to Horses™ while seeking guidance for her 13-year-old daughter who was enjoying gentling mustangs. In subsequent years and with the guidance of ROTH, many more mustangs have been gentled. Both certified ROTH trainers, Jill and her daughter continue to work with mustangs, remedial horses, rescues and geriatrics – both for the animal’s sake and those participating.
These animals unconditionally offer themselves to the individuals working with them. It is her honor to mindfully support, guide and protect their futures through the work of this nonprofit.
Jill’s experience includes extensive work in aquatic safety as a water safety and lifeguard instructor and 35 years as a certified ski instructor responsible for staff training and technical direction. She has held professional licensure in securities and insurance, real estate and mental health counseling. She holds a bachelor’s degree from the University of Washington in political economy and a Master’s in Psychology from Antioch University.